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Commonwealth Student Association
Picture taken at the 18th Conference of the Commonwealth Education Ministries 2012

While serving as the Guild President of Uganda Christian University, through the Duke of Edinburg International Award as a Gold Award holder, I was nominated to participate in the 18th Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers (18CCEM) in Mauritius. I was privileged to be among the few delegates to initiate and formulate the (CSA) Commonwealth Students Association. The CSA unifies and represents the needs and aspirations of national student councils and other student organisations in the Commonwealth.

It was launched in 2012 at the 18CCEM, where I and my fellow student leaders gathered to make recommendations on the current issues in education and strengthen their role in the Commonwealth education sector including the Higher Education Sustainable Development Goals.

The main aims of the CSA are ‘to promote unity among student organisations in Commonwealth countries; to protect the rights of Commonwealth students and to contribute actively to the development of student movements; and to create an environment for student unions and student movements to build their respective and collective capacities, to freely express and advocate’.

The CSA is supported by the Youth Division of the Commonwealth Secretariat and is led by a steering committee, which is chaired by Joshua Griffith of Guyana.

It plays an instrumental role in the planning of the Commonwealth Students Congress, the largest gathering of students across the Commonwealth. The inaugural Commonwealth Students Congress was held in The Bahamas in June 2015. Its at this point that my 3 year term of office ended for the 2012 steering committee which I was part of as the African and European Representative.

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This shaped my career path and passion in sectors of Sustainable development, youth empowerment, education, business and more to-date.

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